Flexing my Skills with a Model of a great Building, its been tough to infer dimensions and depth from the host of images online, and in libraries, but has been a labor of love! work in progress.

Good afternoon dear reader,
Here are some new photos of a model mock up kit I made. As I am trying to get as many containers/apartments onto the current site as possible, and with the computer being too slow for quick “sketches” and changes, I have cut 1″=30′ scale blocks out to simulate 40 foot and 20 foot containers. This is the fun part.
Here are a couple drawings for a client project in menlo Park CA. Im quite proud of the sketches, so I’m sharing them here on my cover page. Go check out the other images from this link here
Here are two final prototype models of a USB Storage Device two friends and I have been working on. We hope to bring it to production and actual distribution in the US at least! The name of the product is PapaBehr, and its supposed to be a cross between an action figure and usable USB storage device. Take a look at these photos. The design and story are by David Nguyen, the models are built and printed by Tuy Buckner, and painting was done by me! Michael Ryan; Enjoy! Thanks for looking. Here is a link the maker Papabehr.com
LOL. Here is an article that doesn’t really mention me at all!
Hello there again. my maybe two or three readers…if I’m lucky! 😛
Here is my next post! I’ve been shown in the space capsule door design blog. My sketch is the banner cover page! check it out.